You Don’t Have To Say You Love ME A tribute to Elvis Kathy Osawa雪深い霊峰飯豊山麓の懐に抱かれて、長期間の低温貯蔵により熟成が進んだ 雪室熟成酒!!雪室とは、建物に雪を取り込んで、夏でも室温2度、湿度90% CO2を排出しない、地球にやさしいクリーンな大形冷蔵庫です。瓶詰後、そこに貯蔵し、ねかせると味がまろやかになり、大変深みのあるお酒になります。!!。山形の地酒『新まるしち商店』Embraced in the bosom of the snowy sacred peak at the foot of Mt. Iide Mountain, the snow chamber aged sake has been matured by long-term low-temperature storage! !! The snow chamber is a large, earth-friendly, clean refrigerator that takes snow into the building and does not emit CO2 at a room temperature of 2 degrees Celsius and a humidity of 90% even in summer. After bottling, it is stored there and when it is soaked, the taste becomes mellow and the sake becomes very deep!。 Yamagata’s local sake “Shin Marushichi Shoten”